Published: 07 Jun 2016 | Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 10:20:12

David Lloyd, Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Dermatology at the Royal Veterinary College, has been awarded the Hugo Schindelka Award at the recent 8th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, Bordeaux, France. 

This award, the most prestigious in the field of veterinary dermatology, is made by the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology every four years on the occasion of their congress.  It recognises excellent scholarship and publication in the field of veterinary dermatology.  Previous recipients include Dr George Muller and Professor REW Halliwell. The Hugh Schindelka Award commemorates the initiation of the scientific approach to veterinary dermatology and its establishment as a discipline in 1903 when Dr Hugh Schindelka, a teacher at the Vienna Veterinary School, published his book “Hautkrankheiten bei Haustieren Handbuch der Tierärztlichen Chirurgie und Geburtshilfe (Skin Diseases of Domestic Animals).”

The award reflects more than 40 years of research publication by David in the field of microbial skin disease originating from posts held at University of Ibadan, Nigeria; Hannah Research Institute, Scotland, and primarily the Royal Veterinary College, as well as major organisational and development roles in ESVD, ECVD and WAVD. 

 Congratulations to David for the recognition of his outstanding contribution to the advancement of this discipline.   

Emeritus Professor David Lloyd at WCVD8, Bordeaux, 02Jun2016, following delivery of the Plenary Lecture to commemorate receipt of the Hugo Schindlelka Medal, with former students and colleagues from the audience (left to right): Ross Bond (DVD 1994, DipECVD 1995, PhD 1996); Richard Harvey (DVD 1993, PhD 1999); Jon Hardy (DipECVD 2014); Martina Naceradska (Czech Young Scientist Award); Anita Patel (DVD 2002); Rosario Cerundolo (DipECVD 1998); David Lloyd; Anette Loeffler (DVD & DipECVD 2004, PhD 2010); Katarina Varjonen (DipECVD 2011), Natalie Barnard nee Perrins (DipECVD 2009); Leena Saijonmaa-Koulomies (PhD 1999); Andrea Volk (DipECVD 2014); Cathy Curtis (DVD 1995); David Grant MBE (CPD co-tutor). 

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