Joining Brian and myself in our virtual studio we are delighted to have Matt Ozment join us. Matt is an employment lawyer in South Carolina and is married to a vet (that is the veterinary connection). I approached Matt to ask him to talk on the podcast about contracts. Something that I’ve been asked about over the years by our graduates going into practice and thought a podcast might be the way I can ask an expert, Matt, these questions. We hope that you enjoy.

If you are in South Carolina and have a question for Matt – get in contact:
To find a lawyer in the US contact your State Bar Association (e.g. in Colorado
To find a lawyer in the UK search the Law Society website:
To find a lawyer in Australia, each state/territory has its own Law Society (e.g. ACT: )
To find a lawyer in New Zealand search the Law Society website:
To find a lawyer in Canada, each province has its own Law Society (e.g. in Ontario )

To Cite this podcast as: Dom Barfield. RVC Clinical Podcast 148 Contracts with Matt Ozment. Published on Mar 7 2025 
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