Page 7 - Living and Course Costs
P. 7

Private Housing Camden
In London, the majority of students choose to live quite locally. Camden is a sought after area, so is more expensive than the surrounding areas. Accommodation is commonly shared between 4-5 other students for cost effectiveness as renting a one bedroom/studio flat in this area is a lot less affordable approx. £200+ p/w for a studio compared to approx. £174 p/w in shared accommodation.
Below you will find an average rents map (click map for source: University of London Housing Service (ULHS)) to give you an idea of how much the shared accommodation costs are in different parts of London (Camden’s location has been circled in black on the map):
The University of London Housing Service (ULHS) is an affiliate of the RVC and offers specialist advice and guidance on a number of the common issues that come with renting privately. We would strongly recommend that you read the ULHS Private Housing Guide so that you can make an informed decision. Hopefully, as is the case for many, your tenancy will be trouble free, but this guide will help you to be better prepared, should something go wrong.
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