Page 26 - RVC Support for Students 2015
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5.2 Disability- related benefits and the Welfare Service
UK students, before you start your course you should get detailed advice from your local Jobcentre Plus Office about any benefits for which you might be eligible. For information contact:
As a UK part-time or UK full-time student with a disability, you
may be eligible to claim Income Support, Employment & Support Allowance, Working Tax Credit (if you are working), Housing Benefit, Universal Credit and/or PIP or Disability Living Allowance. Income Support and Housing Benefit can now be claimed by disabled students who are living in College halls of residence. Your student loan will not affect the amount of PIP/ Disability Living Allowance,
for which you are eligible. If you are in receipt of any of these benefits, your entitlement to the Disabled Students’ Allowance is not affected. More information can be found at: www.disabilityrightsuk. org/
Benefit Enquiry Line
Government-run information line about disability benefits Telephone: 0800 88 22 00 Textphone: 0800 24 33 55 Website: disability-money
Checklist for Students
Before Enrolment
• Have you considered any support you might need to study in Higher Education and your chosen course
• Ask questions at any Open Day or contact the Disability Adviser about access issues
• Obtain up-to-date medical evidence (GP, Consultant or Psychiatrist) or an Educational Psychologists report if you have a Learning Difference
• Inform the College of any disability-related needs
• State any specific needs on your application form for accommodation
• Tick the disability box on your financial assessment form
• Apply for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) if you are a home student
• International students should contact the Disability Adviser directly
• Organise a DSA Needs Assessment and ask for a copy of the needs report to be sent to the Disability Adviser at the RVC
• If receiving means-tested benefits, check how these might be affected
After Enrolment or Diagnosis during your studies
• Apply for any special exam arrangements (SEA’s) in advance of deadlines
• Register with a local doctor as soon as possible
• If eligible, consider applying for a Freedom Pass for free travel
• Contact the Disability Adviser to arrange any ongoing support,
• Notify your Academic Tutor or the Senior Tutor about any specific course- related needs
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