•There is infiltration into the underlying tissue by cellswhich are capable of producing irregular acinar structuresfilled with a mucinous secretion and there are some gobletcells here
•The epithelial cells are slightly variable in size but thereare few mitotic figures here
•These are adenocarcinomas which are producing aciniand mucus and it is this mucus that is exuded from the cutsurface. This is because there are goblet cells here
•These features are typical of those seen before in caseswith bronchial carcinoma
•This would be compatible with a secondary spread fromsuch a tumour
•The digital swellings were metastases of a primarybronchial adenocarcinoma
•This has been reported in the cat but is rare
•This type of neoplasm is poorly responsive tosurgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and owingto it's aggressive rate of metastasis, euthanasia isoften necessary