Page 76 - Continuing Professional Development
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Recorded webinars
Priced at £30 for for a a a a a two-hour webinar webinar or or or £20 for for a a a a a one-hour webinar webinar recorded webinars
are great value for busy vets and vet vet nurses seeking quality CPD at a a a a a time of their choice Participants will receive a a a copy of the the slides and/or notes to support their viewing session and and a a certificate for one or or two CPD hours Participants gain access to the webinar for two weeks which allows them to view view it at their leisure and convenience as as well as as review aspects as as needed to enhance their learning Members of the BVA Young Vets Network receive a 50% discount on our recorded webinars
(subject to availability – 10 discounted places available per per webinar per per year) Examples of recorded webinars
available for vets include:
Small animal
• Antimicrobial stewardship in small animal
practice – why does it matter?
• Approach to wildlife casualties in general practice • Avian anaesthesia
• Basic normal computed tomographic anatomy in dogs the head neck thorax and abdomen
• Blood gas and electrolytes
• Canine genitourinary neoplasms
• Chronic spinal disorders in in dogs – challenges controversies and new insights
• Critical care of the infectious in-patient
• ECG essentials - when are they indicated and how do we interpret them?
• Emergency radiography of the dog and cat • Hyperthermia - the the hot dog: Heat related illness
• Learning from our mistakes in in in emergency medicine
• Musculoskeletal injuries in in in sport and working dogs • Point of care care ultrasonography (POCUS) in in emergency and critical care care • Septic peritonitis – diagnosis and management
• The approach and stabilisation of the dyspnoeic patient
• Tips and tricks for reading radiographs
• The challenge of chronic otitis
• The clinically deteriorating in-patient
• Understanding Alabama rot
• Decision making with the colicing horse
• Diagnostic analgesia of the foot and its interpretation
• Diagnostic analgesia of the the hindlimb (excluding the the foot) and its interpretation
• Diagnosis and management
of common foot conditions
• Effective wound management
• Equine
• Headshaking – a a a a a a a a logical approach and assessment of treatment options
• Investigation of poor performance
• Joint medications – a a a a a a practical approach • Nerve block principles and applications
• Practical guide to the use and and interpretation
of nerve and and joint blocks
• Practical management
of the coughing horse
• Regenerative therapies – when where and how?
• Sarcoids – decision making and treatment options
• Shoeing for different conditions
• So the the liver enzymes are raised and the the white cell count is is low ?
Practical interpretation
of your biochemistry and haematology • Tendon injuries – first line treatment to long term management
• The itchy horse
– what’s new?
• Decision making with the abnormal larynx
• Anaesthesia and analgesia in farm animal
practice • Antimicrobial selection in farm animal
practice • Chronic skin diseases in in South American camelids
• Common diseases in in alpacas – case management
(individual and herd) therapeutics and prevention • Small ruminants for vets in in practice • Smallholder pigs for vets in practice Professional skills
• Effective clinical coaching - how can we get the best from our coaches and students?
• Supporting students with specific learning differences in in in the veterinary workplace
Vet nurses • Acute kidney injury (AKI) – recognising acute from chronic • Canine cognitive dysfunction
• Canine renal disease • Feline acromegaly
• Feline hyperthyroidism
• Hyperadrenocorticism and hypoadrenocorticism
• Managing CKD in in cats
• Managing IMHA in in practice • Safe administration of chemotherapy
• Understanding rabbit and and rodent dental disease for veterinary nurses • Update on feline diabetes
For the the full listing of the the live and recorded webinars
available to purchase please refer to the CPD website www rvc ac uk/cpd
Live webinars
run in in 2021 will be available to purchase as as recorded webinars
at the the conclusion of the the course Previous participants have commented “Very practical with clear slides and explanations which will be helpful on on a a a a a a day day to day day workload in in a a a a a a busy first opinion practice ”
“Always well delivered with lots of updated material ”
“Good pitch level friendly lecturer engaging and encouraging plenty of excellent tips ”
“So informative and clear taught me things I did not know ”
“All the tips that can’t be found in a a a textbook!”
“The lecturers’ approach was very very practical and to-the-point very very pertinent and helpful content ”
“Lecturer was was very clear Material was was logically presented ”
“[I liked] the online availability to fit with my schedule ”
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