Page 70 - Continuing Professional Development
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courses at the RVC allow veterinarians and vet vet nurses from around the world to participate in in in in interactive and in-depth online learning The courses offered cover a a a a range of of topics relevant to to companion animal and equine clinical practice The courses are moderated by expert clinical staff Depending on the the course topic they consist of of a a a a a mixture of of case presentations and assessment radiographs downloadable reference sources (notes textbook references and and relevant journal articles) quizzes videos weblinks and and online asynchronous discussions There is no need to log on at any particular time of the day or night so the courses can be completed in your own time However you you do need to to to to be able to to to to spend at least three to to to to four hours for vet nurses or or six to to to to seven hours for vets each week on on the course and log on on several times throughout each week to to get maximum benefit There are tasks to to complete each week week and and usually deadlines to meet midweek and and at the end of the week For most e-CPD
courses veterinarians can earn up to 42 hours formal CPD
and another 10 hours informal CPD
as permitted by the the RCVS Nurses can earn up to 24 CPD
hours formal CPD
This means that you can exceed your yearly CPD
requirement in one course! At a a a cost of less than £20 per CPD
hour they are one of the the most cost effective independent CPD
forums in in Europe The courses are are internet based so so no special software or computer skills are required – you don’t have to to be a a a a computer geek to to enjoy and participate fully! The unique feature of RVC e-CPD
courses is that they are much more than just an an an online information delivery mechanism Interactive activities occur throughout the course tutor input is extensive and and integral to the participants’ learning and and veterinarians can share their clinical experiences with and learn from a a a a a a diverse group of colleagues Veterinarians and veterinary nurses participate from all around the world The format of e-CPD
is not not for for everyone everyone It does not not suit everyone’s learning preferences they require commitment and and self-discipline and and they can be challenging to to to fit into a a a busy life They involve tutor- supported but also self-directed learning – so so that more than in in any other form of of CPD
you you get out of of it what you you put in You also have to make your own coffee But for those who can commit the time like to learn at at their their own pace at at times convenient to their their work family and social life have time to reflect on their learning be part of an active learning community have the flexibility to to explore topics in in greater depth or simply those who wish to to avoid having to to travel and be away from home or or work to participate in CPD
is an ideal CPD
format Course numbers are limited to enhance participants’ learning experience and in 2020 most courses were fully booked So it is is wise to to book early to to avoid disappointment It is also important to to fully consider where you are going to to find the time to do the course course each week These courses are intense and we we make no apology for that They take time which can be challenging if you do do not set aside specific times to do do the work You schedule time time off work work to to attend a a a a a face-to-face CPD
course so if your work work and home life is very full why not consider using your CPD
allowance to book time off each week to to enable you to to participate fully in and get maximum benefit from the rich online learning experience of e-CPD?
Previous participants have commented “Being a a a a working mother I I think e-CPD
was perfect as as I I could read and research at a a a a convenient time for me me ”
“I think it fantastic that you can pause stop and rewind lectures to get the the most out of the the course things that you miss on other CPD
“It was good to to be able to to learn in in a a a a a structured way but in in my home environment and when I could find the time ”
“I have done 8+ e-CPD
courses with the RVC so I I find it it a a very effective way of doing CPD
“Excellent I I suspect I I will retain more as not being rushed through it ”
“It was was very convenient and I I was was able to spend extra time on on my weaker areas so it provided focused CPD
for me rather than lecturer led ”
“I like the the the flexibility of the the the course and the the the ability to do it it it in your own time works well when I’m on nights!”
“The platform is well designed and simple to use all of the information is gathered together in in in in one place making it easy to to find what you need ”
“I actually enjoyed the forum a a a a a lot more than I I expected - originally found it daunting as as I I was worried I I would look inexperienced but actually found it it so useful to discuss ideas with other people and take on on board their suggestions ”
“Good value for the amount of CPD
hours it gives you ”
“I loved reading other people’s answers and also seeing their discussions with the tutors ”
“I probably learn more from e-CPD
as I I actually think about things myself rather than sitting in in a a a a room where it it it is easy to switch off ”
“Courses that are are delivered delivered over a a a a a a day or two are are often delivered delivered in a a a a a a condensed format and I always struggle to concentrate after lunch at at at these events I found this a a a much more effective way of learning because I I I could pick a a a a time when I I I knew I’d be be able to concentrate on the lecture or or work delivered ”
“I really enjoyed the the the interactive nature of the the the course and the the the opportunity to get feedback and discuss cases with others ”
“I like the the flexibility e-CPD
gives in in terms of fitting the the time into your schedule wherever you you can from the comfort of work or or home ”
“I found it it so useful to discuss ideas with other people and take on board their suggestions ”
“It allows you take more time to go through things at a a a a a different pace and at at timing that is more suitable ”
“I loved reading other people’s answers and also seeing their discussions with the the tutors Other people had great questions to to ask and I definitely learnt from their additions ”
“You can work on it it it whenever you are free which makes it it it easier with our busy routines But it requires lots of studying and time to go through the the the answers of of the the the rest of of participants and check the the the tutor’s replies to them them so you can learn from them them as well ”
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