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81 - 90 of 311 results
A Transdisciplinary Triumph – First Cataract Surgery on Guinea Pig at the RVC
Close collaboration between the Ophthalmology Service and Exotics Referral Service saw a Guinea pig successfully undergo cataract surgery. This is the first recorded procedure of its kind in the UK. -
Developing Hawkshead: Making a good thing better
Jo Payne, Operational Interface Manager for the Hawkshead development A growing body of evidence indicates that there are clear links between patient health and wellbeing and the physical characteristics of hospitals. Through effective design, the … -
Developments in Forensic Pathology
Seven years ago the RVC appointed Henny Martineau as Head of Forensic Pathology, to lead the discipline at the RVC. The team has worked on a number of prominent cases in recent years. The so-called ‘Croydon cat killer’ was one such case. The RVC … -
Returning to the RVC to Become an Exotics Specialist
Interview with Jack MacHale, who studied at the RVC and has returned to the RVC to train as an exotic animal specialist. -
Success in the Practice Standards Scheme
The Queen Mother Hospital for Animals (QMHA) has been assessed as ‘Outstanding’ by the Practice Standards Scheme (PSS), a quality assurance system designed to promote the highest standards of veterinary care. -
Critical Care and Emergency Referrals go from Strength-to-Strength
The RVC Emergency and Critical Service is one of the leading such centres in the world and had consistently enhanced its capacities since it was opened -
New emergency referral – Queen Mother Hospital
What to do if your pet has been referred by your own vet to the RVC specialist referral service -
Case Study
Diabetic remission clinic helps pets go insulin-free
Diabetes Remission Clinic Case and App
Case Study
Open heart surgery to treat a stenotic tricuspid valve
Pioneering open heart surgery saving dogs lives
Case Study
Pioneering treatment for 'Alabama rot'
Alabama rot successfully treated at the RVC