Search - VetCompass
11 - 20 of 115 results
New study reveals flat faced dogs have the highest risk when giving birth
New study by the RVC led by Dr Rowena Packer reveals flat faced dogs have the highest risk when giving birth -
'Rottweilers top the lame list’ say RVC
Rottweilers are the most predisposed dog breed to suffer from osteoarthritis according to new research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease diagnosed in dogs, and this study is the largest ever conducted into the condition in dogs under veterinary care – covering 455,557 dogs -
Incontinence in bitches: huge breed predispositions shown in VetCompass study
A new research study conducted by Vet Compass into urinary incontinence in dogs and particularly bitches of specific breeds. -
New research reveals brachycephalic dogs are most susceptible to corneal ulcerative disease
New research from the RVC's VetCompass team shows short-nosed or flat-faced dogs are 11 times more likely to be affected -
FPersian cats at high risk of health problems, study shows
Almost two thirds of Persian cats suffer from at least one health condition according to the largest every study of this breed -
A Very big dog problem: New study identifies alarming bone cancer risk in giant dogs
New research from the Royal Veterinary College has shed light on the frequency and risk factors associated with osteosarcoma bone cancer in dogs in the UK New research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) has revealed the frequency and risk … -
New RVC research proves clinical benefits from surgical intervention for dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture
A new study from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) has revealed that surgical management of cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) ruptures in dogs causes better outcomes for reducing lameness compared to non-surgical management. The study demonstrated … -
New research from the RVC finds that one in seven pet rabbits suffer with dental disease
New research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) has identified that each year, more than one in seven companion rabbits under primary veterinary care in the UK are suffering from dental disease, a condition which can cause severe pain. The most … -
For practices
VetCompass™ is an efficient and sustainable surveillance programme that provides enormous opportunity for the practice-based study of companion animal health and disease in the UK. -
RVC study reveals extent of dog obesity crisis in the UK
Study from the RVC reveals scale of the overweight epidemic in dogs in the UK, with 1 in 14 dogs recorded by their vets as overweight each year