Search - Small Animal Vet
51 - 60 of 83 results
TMS Equipment
The Transfusion Medicine Service use equipment of the same technical specification required for human medicine in the UK, meaning that we are working to rigorous standards -
Brachycephaly Expertise
The Royal Veterinary College has the only specialist clinic in UK for brachycephalic dog breeds, also known as short-muzzled or short-nosed dogs. -
Pet Nutrition and Diet
Comprehensive pet diet and nutrition advice and services available at RVC Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital and vet practice in London -
Trauma Centre
Trauma accounts for 10% of the emergency admissions in veterinary medicine and some of them may require advanced diagnostics and treatment. -
Fracture Centre
The Royal Veterinary College has the only registered Veterinary Trauma Centre in UK -
Respiratory Therapies
The RVC has the expertise to manage a range of respiratory issues in dogs and cats -
Vomiting and Diarrhoea
Cases referred to the RVC benefit from our state-of-art endoscopy suite and additional diagnostic imaging modalities such as ALICAM and fluoroscopy -
The RVC offer a wide range of services allowing us to find the optimal treatment or management strategies for endocrine conditions in each individual dog and cat -
Flea Prevention and Treatments
Comprehensive pet flea advice and treatments available at RVC Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital in Camden, London -
Immune mediated disease clinic
At the RVC, we’re passionate about getting the best outcome for dogs and cats with autoimmune diseases, and about conducting research to find the best treatments for the future.