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201 - 210 of 638 results
New Petplan award to Dr David Connolly, Professor Brian Catchpole, Dr Jay Dudhia (RVC) and Hannah Hodgkiss-Geere (Liverpool Vet School)
Dr David Connolly, Professor Brian Catchpole, Dr Jay Dudhia (RVC) and Hannah Hodgkiss-Geere (Liverpool Vet School) has been awarded a grant by Petplan Charitable Trust for a project called: "Avoid rejection to fix a broken heart: assessing the …Dr David Connolly, Professor Brian Catchpole, Dr Jay Dudhia (RVC) and Hannah Hodgkiss-Geere ( …
Wellcome Trust CVRT Vacation Award
Student describes his experience after being awarded a CVRT Vacation award.RVC student, Luca Fortuna, BVetMed student), was awarded a Wellcome Trust CVRT vacation award this …
Lab members represent Structure and Motion at SEB Prague
The Society for Experimental Biology's (SEB) Annual Main Meeting was held in Prague from 29th June to 3rd July. This is an important conference for SML members as biomechanics is heavily represented amongst the scientific sessions. As with most … -
RVC Student Selected by US Charity as Veterinary Student Scholar
Royal Veterinary College student Lawrence Crossfield has been chosen as a 2016 Veterinary Student Scholar the Morris Animal Foundation, a charity based in Denver, Colorado -
RVC Professor accepts award from the International Hoof-Care Summit
Award given to Professor Weller for her talk, "The pros and cons of various systems in quantifying foot movement", at the 2014 International Hoof-Care Summit -
Hyperthyroidism and neutering; is there a link?
Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland) is now a very common in geriatric cats, affecting almost 10% of cats over 9 years, but this disease was not commonly recognised until the 1980s. The reasons for the emergence of hyperthyroidism are …Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland) is now a very common in geriatric cats, affecting …
Genes and environment in type 1 diabetes : a multi-species approach
Professor Lucy Davison has been awarded a MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship to work on "Genes and Environment in Diabetes Mellitus: a multi-species approach". Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) arises as the result of many different genetic and …Professor Lucy Davison has been awarded a MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship to work on "Genes and …
Latest VetCompass™ research explores seizure occurrence in dogs
Seizures are considered common events in dogs. However, reliable information on seizure occurrence in UK dogs has been limited until now. Seizures in dogs are sudden, short lasting and transient events but, to date, most studies have focused on the … -
Latest VetCompass™ research explores seizure occurrence in dogs
This latest VetCompass™ study has revealed the prevalence and risk factors for seizure occurrence. Certain breeds are at increased risk of seizure occurrence. Other risk factors such as sex, age and bodyweight were also identified. These results can help practitioners, insurance companies, pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacovigilance agencies by providing a representative evidence-base that can be generalized to the wider dog population.Seizures are considered common events in dogs. However, reliable information on seizure occurrence …
VetCompass Australia: Diabetes in dogs explored
Latest research published by VetCompass Australia explored the epidemiology of dogs with diabetes mellitus attending primary care veterinary clinics in Australia. The researchers involved reported the following: "ContextThe objectives of this study …