NEAT Second Annual Meeting
NEAT Second Annual Meeting
The second NEAT annual meeting took place in Wageningen, Netherlands on 14-15 October 2014 with over 80 participants from Europe and across the world.
The main objectives of this meeting were to review, discuss and improve the educational materials on Economics of Animal Health (EAH) that have been developed during the second year of the project. Feedback from the audience was collected directly during lively discussions after each session as well as via formal evaluation sheets. The result will be used to improve and refine the teaching materials.
NEAT “Networking to enhance the use of economics in animal health education, research and policy making in Europe and beyond” is an international network with 59 partners and over 200 NEAT friends from all over the world. The RVC is the leader of NEAT which aims to strengthen and enhance the use of economics in animal health in higher education and professional environments by creating a wider cadre of people to teach economics and to create educational materials. If you are interested to see the materials that are being developed, please contact Houda Bennani

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