Department: Clinical Science and Services

Weekend night RVN in the QMHAs surgery and neurology department as well as a clincal educator for the VN school.

Vicky completed her FdSc in veterinary nursing at Harper Adams University in 2006 and went on to work for almost 10 years in charity practice.  After spending some time travelling the world volunteering and locuming she bacame a perminant night nurse for the QMHA in their surgery and neurology wards in 2018.  The high level of knowledge and care given here prompted her to complete both the Graduate diploma in veterinary nursing and then the PGCertAVN in anaesthesia and analgesia immediately afterwards! This year she plans to undertake the PGCert in veterinary education, having recently joined the VN school at the RVC as a clinical educator.  

Vicky is a clinical educator for the VN school. This role includes tutoring and teaching on the undergraduate veterinary nursing courses as well as being a mentor and ambassador for the post graduate certificates in veterinary nursing.

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