Professor Oliver Pybus
Vice Principal for Research and Innovation and Professor of Infectious Diseases
Department: Pathobiology and Population Sciences
Campus: Hawkshead
Research Groups: Pathogen Flow in Ecosystems, Host-Pathogen Interactions and Vaccinology, IRLFS (Research Programme)
Professor Oliver Pybus was appointed as Vice Principal for Research and Innovation in March 2022.
In May 2022 Professor Pybus was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), for his outstanding contribution to excellence in science.
In addition to his role at the RVC, Professor Pybus holds a Professorship in Evolution and Infectious Disease at the University of Oxford. He is also a Professorial Fellow of New College, Oxford and was awarded the Scientific Medal of the Zoological Society of London in 2009 and the Mary Lyon Medal of the Genetics Society in 2019.
Escalera-Zamudio, M; Golden, M; Gutierrez, B; Theze, J; Keown, J R; Carrique, L; Bowden, T A; Pybus, O G
Parallel evolution in the emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses
Nature Communications. 11: 5511 (2020)
Yang, Q; Zhao, X; Lemey, P; Suchard, M A; Bi, Y; Shi, W; Liu, D; Qi, W; Zhang, G; Stenseth, N C; Pybus, O G; Tian, H
Assessing the role of live poultry trade in community-structured transmission of avian infuenza in China
PNAS. 117 (11): 5949-5954 (2020).
Kraemer, M U G; Yang, C-H; Gutierrez, B; Wu, C-H; Klein, B; Pigott, D M; Open COVID-19 Data Working Group; Plessis, L du; Faria, N R; Li, R; Hanage, W P; Brownstein, J S; Layan, M; Vespignani, A; Tian, H; Dye, C; Pybus, O G; Scarpino, S V
The effect of human mobility and control measures on the COVID-19 epidemic in China.
Science. 368(6490): 493-497
Hill, S C; Hansen, R; Watson, S; Coward, V; Russell, C; Cooper, J; Essen, S; Everest, H; Parag, K V; Fiddaman, S; Reid, S; Lewis, N S; Brookes, S M; Smith, A L; Sheldon, B; Perrins, C M; Brown, I H; Pybus, O G.
Comparative micro-epidemiology of pathogenic avian influenza virus outbreaks in a wild bird population.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 374;1775: 2019
Lu J, Raghwani J, Wu J, Pryce R, Bowden TA, Thézé J, Huang S, Song Y, Zou L, Liang L, Bai R, Jin Y, Zhou P, Kang M, Yi L, Pybus OG*, Ke C* (2018) Molecular evolution, diversity and adaptation of H7N9 viruses in China during 2013-2017. Emerging Infectious Diseases 24:1795–805 [joint senior author]
Hill SC, Manvell RJ, Schulenburg B, Shell W, Wikramaratna PS, Perrins C, Sheldon BC, Brown IH, Pybus OG (2016) Antibody responses to avian influenza viruses in wild birds broaden with age. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283:20162159
The Global Consortium for H5N8 and Related Influenza Viruses (includes Brown IH, Pybus OG) (2016) Role for migratory wild birds in the global spread of avian influenza H5N8. Science 354:213–7
Hill SC, Lee YJ, Song BM, Kang HM, Lee EK, Gilbert M, Brown IH, Pybus OG (2015) Wild waterfowl migration and domestic duck density shape the epidemiology of highly pathogenic H5N8 influenza in the Republic of Korea. Infection, Genetics & Evolution 34:267–77
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) One Health Poultry Hub
With integrated streams of social, economic, biological, mathematical and policy-led research, we are co-producing detailed knowledge on the biological, structural and socio-economic factors that shape networks of chicken production and distribution. The RVC-led UKRI GCRF One Health Poultry Hub brings together leading laboratory, clinical, veterinary and social scientists, as well as skilled communications experts, programme support staff and external stakeholders.