Ms Hilary Orpet
Senior Lecturer/Deputy Director of Veterinary Nursing
Department: Clinical Science and Services
Research Groups: Animal Welfare Science and Ethics
Research Centres: RVC Animal Welfare Science and Ethics
Hilary is currently senior lecturer in veterinary nursing and Deputy Director for Veterinary Nursing at the RVC.
Hilary joined The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) in 1988 soon after qualifying and gained vast experience in the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals. In 1992 Hilary became senior surgical nurse and in 1993 she was awarded a Diploma in Advanced Surgical Nursing. At this time Hilary decided to put to use all the invaluable experience and theory absorbed over the years, and go into teaching. In 2001, with colleague and close friend, Perdi Welsh, they published their first book ‘Handbook of Veterinary Nursing’, The second edition was published 2011. In 2004 she developed the Foundation degree in Veterinary Nursing and then the BSc VN degree in 2008. In 2013 she received the James Bee Ediucator Prize and in 2015 was awarded the James Bee Silver Educator Prize recognising her commitment to teaching. Developed the Ability model of nursing care (first to be published in the veterinary profession) along with Andrea Jeffery in 2007. Hilary and Andrea were the first recipients of the BSAVA Bruce Vivash Jones VN Award for their work on models of nursing care in 2015. Hilary has spoken at various national and international conferences about nursing care models.
Studying animal behaviour and more recently, human behaviour, having completed an Open University degree studying psychology. Completed MSc Veterinary Education in 2011.
For publications and citations list please see Google Scholar
For publications and citations list please see Google Scholar
• Kinnison, T et al. 2011. Piloting Interprofessional Education Interventions with Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing Students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Vol 38 issue 3. P311
• Orpet, H 2011. How well do you know your patient? The need for nursing assessment. The Veterinary Nursing Journal vol 26 issue 7 p242-245. July 2011 [won Meriel Literary Award 2011 for this article].
• Welsh, P & Orpet, H. 2011. Writing Patient Care Reports; Authors Guidelines for VN’s (part 1). The Veterinary Nurse Vol 2 No 2 March 2011
• Welsh, P & Orpet, H. 2011. Writing Patient Care Reports; Authors Guidelines for VN’s (part 2). The Veterinary Nurse Vol 2 No 3 April 2011
• Co-author of Orpet, H and Welsh, P (2011) 2nd Ed. Handbook of Veterinary Nursing. Blackwell Science, Oxford
• Orpet, H & Jeffery, A (2006) Moving Towards a More Holistic Model. The Veterinary Nursing Journal. Vol21 No5 May 2006
• Co-author of Orpet, H and Welsh, P (2001) Handbook of Veterinary Nursing. Blackwell Science, Oxford
vol 26 no.5 May 2006
Having taught for a number of years, Hilary's main interest is in learning styles and assessment methods as well as literacy developmental issues. She enjoys teaching professional and ethical topics and also the use of nursing models of care to improve patient welfare.
Keeps up to date with clinical work on a yearly basis spending time on the QMHA. Small group teaching in specific areas of the QMHA during relevant modules. Main clinical area of interest is anaesthesia, diagnostic imaging and models of nursing care.